Monday, May 18, 2009

Coping With Divorce

Coping with divorce was the hardest thing that I ever done. All kinds of questions went through my mind. How will this affect the kids? What will life be like from here on out? Will I ever find someone? Will the pain ever end? My life was in a uproar and I didn't know where to begin.

Well first things first you have to take care of yourself. Do things that you enjoy. Do things that make you feel good about yourself. This could include anything from a new hair cut, to a hobby. This will make you feel better. Whatever you do, DO NOT SECLUDE YOURSELF, even if you want to. This will only make you feel worse.

Find a great support system, this is key. Let the people in your life who care about you know how painful this is, and that you may need them more than usual. If you don't have close friends and family find a support group. The great thing about support groups are that everyone there is going through the same thing, so everyone knows how you feel. When you talk about your feelings, it opens you up to heal.

If you have kids you have to remain strong for them. Take them places like to the park, out to eat,or for a movie. The important thing is to let them know that they are important to you and that you love them. Children seem to make things their fault so it's very important that you let them know that they had nothing to do with the divorce. This will make them feel secure. You also have to established that yes their family is now different, but they still have a family.

You will get through this, time has a way of healing all things. I know you've heard it before, but it's true. This will not always hurt like it does now. You have to go on, you have to be responsible for your own happiness. Not everyone gets the same "happy ever after,"but ever" after can still be happy.

On the side I've listed resources that will further help you cope with divorce.

1 comment:

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